At Arlington Designer Homes, we put a lot of thought and consideration into our home designs. We build for the way you live, and we want to make sure your home suits your needs not just today, but for years to come.

For many years, we have been employing the concept of poly-space into our home designs. And with the changes we’ve all experienced over the past 15 months, the poly-space concept has come into an even sharper focus.

The spaces in which we live can have multiple uses; this is the idea behind poly-space. Our team works with clients to discover how their space will be used today, tomorrow, and even 10 or 15 years from now.

In Northern Virginia, land costs are at a premium. Residents must do everything they can to maximize the sometimes-limited space they have. Arlington Designer Homes focuses on creating spaces that live bigger through smart and efficient design solutions. When life changes, you may think the only solution is to add more space. However, you can make your current space work harder for you if it is designed efficiently.

The meaning of space has shifted considerably during the pandemic. Living rooms are doubling as home offices, dining room tables have become classrooms. We are thinking more creatively when it comes to our spaces, and the trend of designing spaces that multitask is both efficient and here to stay.

Our design team discovers what clients need right now, in terms of space, and we take a deeper dive into what their future needs might be as well. A playroom might become an office later on, and a second den could become a first-level master bedroom tomorrow. We apply the poly-space concept for future flexibility in both the new homes and remodels that we design.

The past year has brought many changes and has taught many lessons. It is more apparent than ever that we cannot predict the future. However, with careful planning and creativity, we can design spaces that serve your family for years to come.

Learn more about poly-space in this video: